Copywriting & Proofreading 
To cite the lyrics of an F.R. David song, many of our clients find that, "Words don't come easy", and this can cause problems in terms of losing readers' attention or, worse still, creating a negative impression due to grammatical mistakes or typos. But, at Plucky Duck we love words and we're verging on obsessive when it comes to grammar (particularly the dreaded apostrophe!).
We all have our strengths and weaknesses and while we may not be able to rewire a house, create a fabulous hairstyle, manufacture drinks bottles, carry out Botox injections or run a residential care home, we can write about them in a way that attracts and maintains the reader's interest.
Plucky Duck's Copywriting, editing and proofreading services include:
- Editorial articles (for magazines and newspapers)
- Advertorials (for magazines and newspapers)
- Website Copy
- SEO Copywriting
- Copywriting (for marketing & promotional materials)
- Copy Editing
- Proofreading (to weed out typographical or factual mistakes)
- Translation
Read on for more detailed information about each of the services we provide.
Editorial Articles
As the former Sub Editor of three trade magazines and having worked as a writer and contributor for numerous national and international business and general publications, Plucky Duck has written literally hundreds of articles spanning a myriad of subjects. From technical features on foam manufacture, smart textiles and the latest developments in aeronautical engineering through international company profiles and show reports to features on the latest trends in underwear and handbags, we pride ourselves on creating the perfect tone and scintillating copy to suit each publication and topic we handle to a tee.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and while eye-catching graphics and images are vital to attract attention, sometimes you need more than just a visual advert to convey your message. In these instances, advertorials are the perfect solution. As stand alone features or placed alongside a print advert, advertorial articles enable you to make a strong connection with your audience and develop a more personal relationship. While the products and services you sell are crucial, there is no escaping the fact that people still like to deal with people (even in this online age) and know who they are dealing with. By combining amazing design with informative and compelling copy, Plucky Duck can help you to make a more personal connection with your target readers and give you the edge over your competitors. Whether it's a profile of your company, a feature giving tips and advice gleaned from your wealth of expert knowledge or just a more in-depth insight into what you can offer customers, Plucky Duck can help you to connect with your audience on an altogether deeper level with advertorials to suit your chosen media and target market.
Website Copy
Many companies pay out hundreds or even thousands of pounds to website designers to ensure that their online presence has the wow factor. But, while these sites may look fantastic, it's content that's king and if the information is not well-written and compelling, people will soon click away from the page. Unless you, or your web designer, are a whizz with words then you could be losing custom, even if you have the most eye-catching website imaginable. At Plucky Duck we look at the bigger picture and write copy that not only looks good, it captivates your audience to read on and, importantly, spend time on your website, thus significantly increasing the number of visits that generate business for you. From a small brochure website to a huge online product catalogue or retail site, simply tell Plucky Duck a little bit about what you want to say and we'll do all the hard work for you.
SEO Copywriting
You wouldn't publish a printed catalogue or price list and not hand it out to customers, yet so many people invest in websites and then leave then languishing in cyberspace where nobody can find them. At Plucky Duck we are experts in writing SEO copy so that all the major search engines will fall in love with your site. Cleverly inserting keywords (while never compromising on the quality of the text), we can help you make a real impression on the web in terms of rankings as well as quality and style. We also take a genuine interest in ensuring your website is number one, so we go beyond mere keywords and will work with you to fully optimise your site in terms of metadata, directory listings, comment systems and updating your site regularly to keep it fresh - to keep both your target audience and the search engines interested.
Printed & Published Copywriting
At the end of the day all promotional and marketing materials are trying to convey the same message: read me, like me, buy me or use me, but there are thousands of different ways of saying this and you have to make sure that your promotional or marketing materials say this better and more convincingly than your competitors. At Plucky Duck we love playing with words to make your materials stand out from the crowd. With a wealth of experience in producing enthralling and attention-grabbing copy for a vast range of different sectors, we can make sure that your marketing and promotional materials make the right impression on the right people and give you the edge in a competitive market.
Copy Editing & Proofreading
Stationary or stationery? There or their? Subjunctive or conditional? When it comes to making a real impression it's all in the detail and the smallest of grammatical or typographical mistakes can make a world of difference. We all make mistakes when we speak, but, if you are printing a brochure or catalogue the smallest of mistakes can render your beautifully designed and printed products less effective, or worse still, destined for the recycling bin before they are even distributed. With more than a decade's experience in proofreading and copy editing general, financial and technical texts, at Plucky Duck we can spot a typo at twenty yards and love nothing more than spotting a grammatical or factual mistake and correcting it.
Are you thinking of buying a property abroad or do you have catalogues or brochures that have been produced overseas in French or German? With a degree in French and German and having lived in both countries for five years in total, we can assist with a wide variety of translation projects. From legal contracts connected to purchasing a property to translating manuals, brochures, price lists or catalogues, call Plucky Duck on 0151 632 4644 for an informal chat about your needs.
Contact Nicki for an informal chat and to discuss your needs.